Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND)
Hindhayes Infant School SEN information report
We are proud that our school is an inclusive school which caters for a wide range of children’s needs. SEN is coordinated by Mrs Nester who works alongside class teachers and support staff to oversee provision for pupils with an identified special educational need.
The summary of the support provided at our school for children with SEN can be accessed via the SEN link on the left. It answers questions that parents may ask and shows the provision map - a menu of what can be offered to support your child.
We have been awarded Somerset County Council’s “Dyslexia Friendly” and have been praised for our specific 1:1 programmes which are carefully monitored and evaluated. Our recent Ofsted report also praised the support provided for pupils with SEN:
“Leaders identify pupils' special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) accurately. Leaders support staff to break down learning into manageable chunks. Consequently, pupils with SEND usually learn well.”
“The curriculum to promote pupils' personal development is effective. It enables them to become responsible and build effective relationships. Leaders ensure that pupils follow the school's behaviour policy well. Staff foster pupils' mental health. For those pupils who need it. additional support is in place to help them to learn how to comuniate socially and make friends.
We have good liaison with the support services, and our PFSA (Parent Family Support Advisor) Andrew Leafe contributes to the support of a wide range of children and their families.
Parents can find information on Somerset's Information Report at http://www.somersetchoices.org.uk