Mrs Kate Nester
Behaviour & Welfare Specialist
Designated Safeguarding Lead
SEND Specialist
Inclusion Champion |
Deputy Head
Mrs Lucy Shakesby (Chestnut Class)
Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment Lead
Attainment and Achievement Lead - Year 1
English Specialist
EYFS / Year 1 Phonics Champion
Design Technology Specialist
More Able and Gifted Lead
Deputy Safeguarding Lead |
Educational Visits Co-ordinator |
Mrs Sarah Simmonds (Hawthorn Class)
Maths Specialist
Year 2 Phonic Champion
Mrs Emma Plummer (Orchard Class)
Computing Specialist
Attainment and Achievement Lead - Year 2
Music Specialist
Religious Education Specialist
Curriculum For Life Specialist
Mrs Briony Keene (Hazel Class)
History Specialist
Students In School Line Manager
Mrs Katherine Honeywill (Forest School)
PE, Sports Premium & Forest School
Ms Holly Seaward (Oak Class)
Science Specialist
Geography Specialist
EAL Specialist
OPAL Subject Specialist
Mrs Emily Pople (Beech Class) |
Reception Teacher |
Mrs Emma Cradock (Chestnut Class)
Year 1 Teacher |
Office Staff
Mr Mike Sales
Business Manager
Mr Scott Carpenter
Business Support
Learning Assistants
Mrs Theresa Edwards
Orchard Class
Mrs Ange Dobbins |
Oak Class |
Miss Clair Melluish
Chestnut Class
Miss Kelly Flagg
Chestnut Class |
Mrs Lynn Kellett
Beech (a.m. only)
EAL Support (p.m. only)
Miss Beth Robinson |
Miss Abi Chant
Hazel Class
Mrs Megan Carpenter |
Hawthorn Class |
Mrs Linda Monoghan
SENCO Assistant (Consultancy Basis)
Mr Andy Leafe
Mrs Ellis Weech
Play Worker
Mrs Tammy Harmsworth
WRAP Manager
Miss Lucy Miles |
WRAP Assistant
Catering Staff (External Company - BAM)
Mrs Adele Whitcombe
Kitchen Supervisor
Mrs Tammy Harmsworth
Kitchen Assistant
Miss Lucy Miles |
Kitchen Assistant |
Miss Kerrianne Spraggon |
Kitchen Assistant |
Lunchtime Play Leaders
Mrs Ellis Weech
Mrs Jude Cooper
Mrs Jenny Humphries
Miss Beth Robinson
Mrs Lynn Kellett
Mrs Ange Dobbins
Miss Clair Melluish
Miss Rebecca Bailey
Miss Kelly Flagg |
Miss Abi Chant |
Mr Andy Leafe |
Miss Lyndsey Jones |
Caretaker & Lettings
Mr David Alger
Cleaners (External Company - Premier)
Miss Rebecca Bailey
Mrs Debbie Mills