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Hindhayes Infant School



The Governing Body are responsible for ensuring that the curriculum is taught and standards monitored, setting the school’s policies, ensuring that its funds are properly used, appointing staff, caring for the health, safety and well being of all our children.

Our Governing Body are:

Chair/Parent Governor:             Mrs Louise Melia

Vice Chair/Governor:                 Mr Neil Howiantz

Headteacher:                               Mrs Kate Nester

Staff Governor:                            Mrs Lucy Shakesby

LA Governor:                                Mrs Helen Clark

Governor:                                      Mr Martin Lukins

Governor:                                      Mrs Sue Court

Governor:                                      Mr Ben Amos

Governor:                                      Mrs Linda Monaghan

Governor:                                      Mrs Michelle Heap

Governor:                                      Mr Kenneth Southern

Clerk:                                              Mrs Jenny Warrington

Contact the Chair of Governors through this email:

The Department for Education website has lots of importantDFEinformation.
Click on the link below.


For school governors to find information,NGA
Click the link to the right.