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Hindhayes Infant School


Addition and Subtraction Provision Map

This document is subject to change as we continue to work as a school on curriculum development.

Recent research shows us that:  For children to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, they need to make sense of various mathematical ideas as well as their applications.  Therefore we adopt a learning approach similar to those experienced by students in Singapore, where children are exposed to a variety of learning experiences including hands on activities to help them relate abstract mathematical concepts with concrete experiences.   The NCTEM approach and the STEM (2018) research advocate the idea of children not moving on until they are secure in their understanding of a particular concept. The whole class is taught the same thing, at the same time, with children learning at an appropriate level through support and enrichment. Challenge is offered through higher order questioning and activities that develop deeper understanding, problem solving and reasoning skills.

Developing number skills at Hindhayes -  Our Calculation Policy has ‘concrete, pictorial, abstract’ teaching sequences at it’s very heart.  Children in reception, year 1 and year 2 develop their expertise by doing, visualising and explaining before moving to more abstract forms of calculation.  Addition and subtraction are taught together, allowing for connections to be made and key facts to be learnt.  We provide the children with blocks of time to develop these skills through a range of models eg bar models, ten frames, part/part/whole and jottings.  We extend learning and provide challenge by exposing the children to missing number calculations, word problems and reasoning tasks.  Commutativity in addition is discovered and proven in a number of different ways.  Facts are investigated and learnt for numbers within 20.  This learning is revisited as part of fluency tasks during APE sessions in order to keep it ‘alive’ and retrievable. Please see CLP Calculation policy for agreed calculation methods.

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