Coronavirus Absence
Dear All
We have set up a dedicated number to call if your child’s absence from school is specially related to the Coronavirus. The reason that we are asking you to call this number is so that we can separate out calls which we receive relating to normal absence or messages. Until we are at a stage where we do not need to record absences related to the virus, please ring (01458) 444935 where you will be asked to leave a message to include your child’s name, their class and whether it is them or someone within the household who will be absent due to symptoms of COVID-19.
If you are reporting their absence through the above number, you will not also need to contact the school on the usual number. If the absence or message is related to anything other than the Coronavirus please continue to call (01458) 442978.
We are in the process of setting up a dedicated page on the school website for Coronavirus information, which we hope will be useful and will continue to communicate as clearly as we can, based on the latest guidance we are aware of.
Thank you for everyone’s help and support during this time.