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Hindhayes Infant School

Anti - Bullying

Find out more about how Hindhayes is promoting anti-bullying here.

A relational approach:

Hindhayes Infant School aims to employ a variety of classroom strategies to enable the pupils feel safe, secure and ready to learn. We know that a relational approach which is underpinned by positive relationships help us to build a child’s self-esteem and self-worth. We recognise that all behaviour is a language and that for some children the way they behave is not a choice it is helping the child to have their unmet needs met. We also recognise that children with SEND are more likely to have related behavioural difficulties and that some children will need to be taught about boundaries as they may not have experienced these within their home. We know that children will learn more from consequences than they will from punishment and that we must connect with a child before we try to correct their behaviours. Our trauma informed approach enables us to recognise that for our most vulnerable children there may be circumstances that are making them sensitive to situations. We advocate the use of emotional coaching and encourage children to use their brilliant brains and move forward from raging in their dinosaur brain. Just one reliable, emotionally available adult who is consistent and steady in the school community can make all the difference and so we tune in to coach a child through their most challenging times.


To support Anti-Bullying week at home, access the parent pack below.