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Hindhayes Infant School


Fractions Provision Map

This document is subject to change as we continue to work as a school on curriculum development.

Recent research shows us that: 



A Chinese proverb suggests ‘Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.’ How to involve or engage today’s learner is at the forefront of much educational research that resonates well with our ethos at Hindhayes. 

Developing children’s understanding of fractions at Hindhayes -  


We advocate that the children engage in a wide range of practical experiences linked to real life, such as making sandwiches, sharing fruit and pouring milk into cups at snack time.  Rich use of vocabulary is used alongside these experiences to reinforce the concept of sharing, half, whole and eventually quarters.  We want future experiences to be related back to these early concepts so that children can reignite previous learning and make further sense of the concepts.  As the idea of fractions become more ingrained, the use of pictures can be used to incorporate a wider backdrop of everyday life such as animals in a field, houses along a street.  Further use of concrete learning should still be used at different points, to allow for new connections such as finding half of a shape.  Investigating ‘twists’ and misconceptions involving fractions are crucial to assessing how deep a child’s understanding is.  As children develop their understanding of fractions further, we advocate the use of bar models to illustrate how to find a fraction of an amount.  In year 2, we have purposefully moved the fractions unit after multiplication and division as we want the children to use and apply their knowledge of their times tables, doubles and halves to fractions.  This also allows some learners to continue developing their understanding at a pace that is suited to their needs.

Download the document below.