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Hindhayes Infant School


Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

The work undertaken by the school in this area supports the school's curriculum strand of compassion. Over time the whole staff have undertaken training to enable them to recognise the impact of early trauma on a pupil's wellbeing. A vast amount of work has been completed to enable the school to truly understand and support a school community built on connection. 

A team of mental health champions work in school across all departments to ensure that the Hindhayes pupil's, families and staff have someone who is always available to check in with them. This team contains three members of staff who are mental health lead trained.  

The school prioritises time within the curriculum for the children to acknowledge e.g. the national children's mental health week, empathy day and ensures that pupils have a vehicle to talk about mental health openly in their curriculum for life lessons. 

Links to mental health charities and resources can be found within the school newsletter as well as on our website. 

The children are encouraged and reminded to ask themselves and others the question, 'are you ok?'.  


Below is our mental health and well-being policy and the mental health SEF. There is also a copy of the mental health roles that we have within school